This disclaimer applies to the website. By using or accessing the website, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer without any qualification or limitation. The company reserves the right to add, alter, or delete material from the website at any time and may, at any time, revise these terms without notifying you. You are bound by such amendments, and the company advises you to periodically visit this page to review the current terms.
The website and all its content are provided \"as is\" and \"as available\" with all faults. No information provided on this website creates a warranty or expands the scope of any warranty that cannot be disclaimed under applicable law. Your use of the website is solely at your own risk. This website is intended for guidance only and does not constitute part of an offer or contract. Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Computer-generated images are artistic impressions and indicative of actual designs.
This is not an offer, invitation to offer, or commitment of any nature. The images include artistic impressions and stock images. Designs, dimensions, costs, facilities, plans, images, specifications, furniture, accessories, paintings, items, electronic goods, additional fittings/fixtures, decorative items, false ceiling, finishing materials, shades, sizes, and colors of tiles and other details shown are indicative in nature and for illustrative purposes only. These do not form part of the standard specifications, amenities, or services to be provided in the flat. Recipients are advised to use their discretion in relying on the information/amenities described or shown herein. All specifications of the flat shall be as per the final agreement between the parties.
The particulars contained on this website include details of projects and developments undertaken by the company, including banners or posters of the project. These contents are being modified to comply with the stipulations and recommendations under the Real Estate Regulation Act, 2016, and the rules made thereunder (\"RERA\"). Accordingly, they may not be fully aligned as of the current date. You are therefore required to independently verify all details, including area, amenities, services, terms of sales, payments, and other relevant terms with the sales team or company before making any decision to purchase any unit(s) in any of the said projects. Until the details are fully updated, the information provided will not be construed as an advertisement. To find out more about a project or development, please contact our sales center or visit our sales office during opening hours to speak with a sales representative.
In no event will the company be liable for claims made by users, including seeking any cancellation for inaccuracies in the information provided on this website. Although all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, the company shall not be liable for any expense, loss, or damage, including indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising from the use or loss of use of data or any other issue related to the use of this website.
Users or customers acknowledge and agree not to hold the company or any of its affiliates liable for any information, representations, commitments, or offers made by third parties on their websites. Users or customers further agree not to make any claims or demands against the company or any of its affiliates regarding such third-party representations.